Tuesday 14 May 2013

Collocations in use

verb + noun -- take a vacation
adjective + noun -- light rain
adverb + verb -- completely forget
adverb + adjective -- totally awesome
adjective + preposition -- tired of ...
noun + noun -- a business deal
Here are some examples of longer collocations based on 'll:
I'll give you a call.
I'll be in touch.
I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
I'll be back in a minute.
I'll see what I can do.
1.  to burst into laughter
2. to bear witness to (something)
3.  to carry something too far
4.  to cast an eye over (something) ( = to examine something briefly)
5. to catch (one's) eye
6.  to change one's mind
7. to carry/convey a message
8. to cause damage to
9.  to take care of somebody / something
10. to come to somebody's rescue/aid
11. to come off in an examination
12. to commit crime
13. to draw (one's) attention to (something)
14.  to make comparison
15. to drive (someone) mad
16. to drop a line to (someone) ( = to write to somebody)
17. to turn a deaf ear to
18. to have something done (by somebody)
19. to do somebody a favour
20. to look down on somebody
21. There is a great demand for
22.  to eat one's words
23.  to exercise (one's) right
24. to engage a telephone line
25. to earn a living
26. to have a good/bad effect on
27. to enrich one's knowledge
28. to come to an end
29. to pay attention to (someone)
30. to place an order
31. to play tricks on (someone)
32. to put the blame on (someone)
33. to pay a visit to
34. to pick up a bad habit
35. to put an end to
36. to raise a question/an objection
37. to read between the lines (= to look for the underlying meaning of one's words)
38. to receive a good education
39. to receive a letter from
40. to take (one's) time (= to do something slowly)
41. to throw cold water on something (= to discourage someone from doing something)
42. to turn a blind eye to
43. to tackle a problem
44. to take the chance
45. to keep track on
46. to take shape
1. (give/make) a suggestion
2. (take/make) a telephone call
3. (do/make) an attempt to
4. (win/beat) a match
5. (win/beat) a team
6. (put/carry) out a plan
7. (put/bring) something to an end
8. (put/bring) an end to something
9. (ruin/hurt) your health
10. (do/make) a complaint about
11. (select/make) a choice
12. (do/make) a decision
13. (do/make) somebody a favour
14. (do/make) a comparison,
15. (put/take) action to
16. (rise/raise) fund
17. (keep/hold) one's word
18. (miss/lose) one’s way
19. (watch/observe) a custom
20. (take/listen to) somebody’s advice
1. (do/make) business with somebody
2. (go/come) to an agreement
3. (make/do) friends with others
4. (give/pay) somebody a lift
5. (write/compile) a dictionary
6. (do/make) improvement
7. (do/make) a performance
8. (do /make) a promise
9. (give/open) a party
10. (take/make) use of something
11. (give/pay) a visit to somebody
12. (do/play) an important part
13. (do/make) a new start
14. (bring/take) advantage of something
15. (fit/meet) the requirements
16. (do/make) a good teacher
17. (do/make) haste
18. (raise/rise) a question.

Collocation Use with Come, Get and Feel

Come: first/last/right back/early/close/prepared/late/second/direct

Get: ready/married/started/divorced/burnt/drunk/angry/lost/worried/wet

Feel: tense/comfortable/happy/free/nervous/disappointed/ proud/sleepy/hurt

Collocation Use with Miss, Get, Do and Make

Miss: a goal/a chance/the point/a flight/one’s family/ a lesson/one’s home/an opportunity/an appointment

Get: home/frightened/permission/a surprise/the message/lost/ready/a job/nowhere

Do: homework/the shopping/the housework/business/someone a favour/nothing/the washing up/the cooking/ a job/one’s best

Make: progress/an effort/money/ a mess/ a mistake/a noise/ trouble/a job/ the cooking/one’s best

Adjective Collocations
When describing physical objects you can use a wide variety of adjectives such as: large, big, tiny, minuscule, small, etc. However, when describing nouns that are not physical (e.g. joy, anger, wealth) you need to pay careful attention to the choice of intensifying adjectives. This feature provides a guide to the use of the most common intensifying adjectives for non-physical nouns.
Absolute / Complete / Total / Utter
Absolute, complete, total and utter are used to express strong feelings, extreme situations, and other events - especially negative experiences.
absolute agony
complete astonishment
total bliss
(an) utter catastrophe
absolute despair

total ecstasy
utter fury
a complete idiot
utter loathing
total madness
Big tends to describe a happening or a type of person. It is not usually used with uncountable nouns.
a big decision
a big disappointment
a big improvement
a big mistake
a big surprise

Types of Persons
a big eater
a big dreamer
a big drinker
a big spender
a big talker

Great usually describes nouns which express feelings or qualities.
great admiration
great anger
in great detail
(a) great disappointment
great enjoyment
great excitement
a great failure
great fun
great happiness
great joy
at great length

a great number (of)
great power
great pride
a great quantity (of)
great sensitivity
great skill
great strength
great understanding
great wealth
Large is often used with nouns concerning numbers and measurements. It is not usually used with uncountable nouns.
a large amount
a large number (of)
a large population

a large proportion
a large quantity
a large scale

A collocation is a word pair, in this case adjective and noun, that always goes together. There are no specific rules for these collocations, however, it is important to learn some of the standard collocations. Here is a guide to collocations with deep, heavy, high (low) and strong. Deep depression
deep devotion
a deep feeling

deep pockets
deep sleep
in deep thought
in deep trouble
a heavy drinker
heavy rain
a heavy sleeper

a heavy smoker
heavy snow
heavy traffic
High - Low. Notice that a number of nouns (but not all) which take 'high' also take 'low'.
high - or low - cost
high - or low - density
high - or low - energy
high - or low - esteem
a high - or low - expectation (of)
a high - or low - level (of)

a high - or low - opinion (of someone or something)
high - or low - pressure
a - or low - high price
high quality
high speed
strong criticism
strong denial
a strong feeling
a strong opinion (about something)

a strong sense (of)
a strong smell
a strong taste

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