Tuesday 27 August 2013

Detailed Use of GET

Get  Verb (getting; past  got;
pp.  got,  Amer. gotten)
1.            [with obj.] Come to have or hold (something); receive: I got the impression that she wasn't happy.
a.  Experience, suffer, or be afflicted with (something bad): I got a sudden pain in my left eye.
b.  Receive as a punishment or penalty: I'll get the sack if things go wrong.
c.  Contract (a disease or ailment): I might be getting the flu.
d.  Receive (a communication): I got a letter from my fiancé.
2.             [with obj.] Succeed in attaining, achieving, or experiencing; obtain: I need all the sleep I can get.
a.  Move in order to pick up or bring (something); fetch: get another chair. [with two objs] I'll get you a drink.
b.  [with obj. And adverbial] tend to meet with or find in a specified place or situation: for someone used to the tiny creatures we get in England it was something of a shock.
c.  Travel by or catch (a bus, train, or other form of transport): I got a taxi across to baker street.
d.  Obtain (a figure or answer) as a result of calculation: Have you got the result?
e.  Respond to a ring of (a telephone or doorbell): I'll get the door!
f.   [in imperative] informal said as an invitation to notice or look at someone, especially to criticize or ridicule them: Get her!
3.             [no obj., with complement] enter or reach a specified state or condition; become: he got very worried ¦ it's getting late ¦ [with past participle] You'll get used to it.
a.  [as auxiliary verb] used with past participle to form the passive mood: The cat got drowned.
b.  [with obj. And past participle] cause to be treated in a specified way: Get the form signed by a doctor.
c.  [with obj. And infinitive] induce or prevail upon (someone) to do something: Sophie got a housemaid to make a fire.
d.  [no obj., with infinitive] have the opportunity to do: He got to try out a few of these nice new cars.
e.  [no obj., with present participle or infinitive] begin to be or do something, especially gradually or by chance: We got talking one evening.
4. [no obj., with adverbial of direction] come, go, or make progress eventually or with some difficulty: I got to the airport.  They weren't going to get anywhere.
a.  [no obj., with adverbial] move or come into a specified position, situation, or state: She got into the car.
b.  [with obj. And adverbial] succeed in making (someone or something) come, go, or make progress: My honesty often gets me into trouble.
c.  [no obj., with clause] informal, chiefly n. Amer. Reach a specified point or stage: It's getting so I can't even think.
5. [with obj.] Catch or apprehend (someone): The police have got him.
a.  Strike or wound (someone) with a blow or missile: You got me in the eye!
b.  Informal punish, injure, or kill (someone), especially as retribution (=revenge): I’ll get you for this!
c.  (get it) informal be punished, injured, or killed: Wait until dad comes home, then you'll get it!
d.  (get mine, his, etc.) Informal be killed or appropriately punished or rewarded: I’ll get mine, you get yours, we'll all get wealthy.
e.  Informal annoy or amuse (someone) greatly: Cleaning the same things all the time, that's what gets me.
f.   Baffle (someone): She had got me there: I could not answer.
6.             [with obj.] Informal understand (an argument or the person making it): What do you mean? I don't get it.
7.             [with obj.] acquire (knowledge) by study; learn: That knowledge which is gotten at school.
Noun  1.  Dated an animal's offspring: He passes this on to his get.
a.  Get in there informal take positive action to achieve one's aim (often said as an exhortation): You get in there son, and you work.
b.  Getting on for chiefly Brit. Approaching (a specified time, age, or amount); almost: There are getting on for 700 staff.
c.  Get something across manage to communicate an idea clearly.
d.  Get ahead become successful in one's life or career: how to get ahead in advertising.
Get along
1.             Manage to live or survive: Don't worry, we'll get along without you.
a.  [in imperative] Brit. Informal used to express Scepticism or disbelief or to tell someone to go away: Oh, get along with you!
Get at
1.             Reach or gain access to (something): It's difficult to get at the screws.
a.  Bribe or unfairly influence (someone): He had been got at by government officials.
2.             Informal imply (something): I can see what you're getting at.
3.             Brit. Informal criticize (someone) subtly and repeatedly: I hope you didn't think I was getting at you.
Get away
1.             Escape: He was very lucky to get away with his life.
a.  Get away with escape blame, punishment, or undesirable consequences for (an act that is wrong or mistaken): you'll never get away with this.
b.  Get back at take revenge on (someone): I wanted to get back at them for what they did.
c.  Get back to contact (someone) later to give a reply or return a message: I'll find out and get back to you.
d.  Get by manage with difficulty to live or accomplish something: He had just enough money to get by.
e.  Get down n. Amer. Informal dance energetically: Get down and party!
f.   Get someone down depress or demoralize someone: You always get me down.
Get something down
1. Write something down.
2.             Swallow food or drink, especially with difficulty: Have you got the food down?
a.  Get down to begin to do or give serious attention to: Let's get down to business.
Get in
1.             (of a train, aircraft, or other transport) arrive at its destination.
2.             (of a political party or candidate) be elected.
a.  Get in on become involved in (a profitable or exciting activity).
b.  Get into (of a feeling) affect, influence, or take control of (someone): I don't know what's got into him.
c.  Get in with become friendly with (someone), especially in order to gain an advantage: I hope he doesn't get in with the wrong crowd.
Get off
1.             Informal escape a punishment; be acquitted: She got off lightly. You'll get off with a caution.
2. Go to sleep, especially after some difficulty.
3. Brit. Informal have a sexual encounter: He accused her of trying to get off with that drummer.
a.  Get off on informal, chiefly n. Amer. Be excited or aroused by (something): He was obviously getting off on the adrenaline of performing before the crowd.
Get on
1.             Perform or make progress in a specified way: How are you getting on?
a.  Continue doing something, especially after an interruption: I've got to get on with this job.
b.  Chiefly Brit. Be successful in one's life or career.
2.             Chiefly Brit. Have a harmonious or friendly relationship: They seem to get on pretty well.
3.             (be getting on) informal be old or comparatively old: We are both getting on a bit.
a.  Get on to chiefly Brit. Make contact with (someone) about a particular topic.
Get out
1. (of something previously secret) become known: News got out that we were coming.
2.             (also get out of here) [in imperative] informal, chiefly n. Amer. Used to express disbelief: Get out, you're a liar.
Get something out
1.             Succeed in uttering, publishing, or releasing something: We're keen to get a record out.
2.             Brit. Succeed in solving or finishing a puzzle or mathematical problem.
a.  Get out of contrive to avoid or escape (a duty or responsibility): They wanted to get out of paying.
b.  Get something out of achieve benefit from (an undertaking or exercise): These institutions think they're going to get something out of it that will enhance their image.
c.  Get outside (of) Brit. Informal eat or drink (something) heartily: We'll get outside of some bacon and eggs.
Get over
1.             Recover from (an ailment or an upsetting or startling experience): The trip will help him get over Sal’s death.
2. Overcome (a difficulty).
Get something over
1. Manage to communicate an idea or theory : The company is keen to get the idea over.
2. Complete an unpleasant or tedious but necessary task promptly: Come on, let's get it over with.
Get round (or n. Amer. Around) chiefly Brit.
1. Coax or persuade (someone) to do or allow something that they initially do not want to.
2. Deal successfully with (a problem).
a.  Evade (a regulation or restriction) without contravening it: The company changed its name to get round the law.
b.  Get round to (or n. Amer. Around to) chiefly Brit. Deal with (a task) in due course: I didn't get round to putting all the photos in frames.
Get through
1. (also get someone through) pass or assist someone in passing (a difficult or testing experience or period): I need these lessons to get me through my exam.
a.  (get something through) (with reference to a piece of legislation) make or become law.
2. Chiefly Brit. Finish or use up (a large amount or number of something), especially within a short time: We got through four whole jars of mustard.
3. Make contact by telephone.
a.  Succeed in communicating with someone in a meaningful way: I just don't think anyone can get through to these kids.
Get to
1. Informal annoy or upset (someone) by persistent action: He started crying—we were getting to him.
a.  Get together gather or assemble socially or to cooperate: Do you know we are getting together next Sunday?

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