Friday 23 August 2013

US Slangs

antsy adjective US slang
very nervous, worried or unpleasantly excited
It was a long drive and the children started to get antsy.
I always get antsy about meeting my husband's boss.
beat verb beat , beaten or US ALSO beat DEFEAT
2. informal to be more enjoyable than another activity or experience
[ + -ing verb ] Taking the bus sure beats walk ing .
slang Taking the bus beats the hell out of (= is much better than) walking all the way there.
You can't beat (= there is nothing more enjoyable than) a cold beer on a hot afternoon.
blow noun DRUG
6. [ U ] US slang cocaine
bodacious adjective mainly US slang
very large or important, or something that people enjoy or admire
It was a bodacious concert!
booty noun BODY PART
2. [ C ] US slang the part of the body that you sit on; bottom
bootylicious adjective
US slang sexually attractive
bozo noun [ C ] plural bozos mainly US slang
a stupid person
Some bozo on a motorcycle almost ran me over.
bun noun BOTTOM
4. [ C usually plural ] mainly US slang a buttock (= one side of a person's bottom)
bust verb [ T ] bust or US busted , bust or US busted ARREST
2. US slang When the police bust a person, they arrest him or her, or when they bust a building or a place, they arrest people in it who they believe are breaking the law
The police busted him because they think he's involved with a terrorist group.
butt noun BOTTOM
2. [ C ] US slang for bottom
She told him to get off his butt and do something useful.
cheesecake noun WOMEN
2. [ U ] mainly US old-fashioned slang photographs of sexually attractive young women wearing very few clothes, or the women who appear in such photographs
chickenshit noun [ C ] , adjective
US slang disapproving for chicken (= a person who is not brave)
C'mon, don't be such a chickenshit - just go up and ask her to dance.
clinker noun MISTAKE
2. [ C ] US old-fashioned slang a mistake, especially a wrong musical note
cockamamie adjective US slang
stupid or silly
He had some cockamamie idea about turning waste paper into animal food.
corn noun EMOTION
4. [ U ] mainly US slang something which is old-fashioned, boring, or done to cause emotion
Everyone says it's a great movie, but I think it's just corn.
crazy noun [ C ] US slang
a person who behaves in a way that is stupid or not sensible, especially one who is mentally ill
There's some old crazy over there shouting and spitting at people.
crib noun [ C ] HOME
3. US slang Someone's crib is their home or the place where they are living at present.
dame noun [ C ] WOMAN
1. US old-fashioned slang a woman
dis verb [ T ] -ss- US slang
diss -ss- , dis verb [ T ] US slang
to speak or behave rudely to someone or to show them no respect
Don't diss me, man!
dude noun [ C ] mainly US slang
a man
Some dude just asked me if I knew you.
[ as form of address ] Dude, where were you last night?
Jason was one cool dude.
dweeb noun [ C ] US slang disapproving
a person who is physically and socially awkward and has little confidence
What a dweeb! Why doesn't she dump him?
2. [ C ] US slang an offensive word for a homosexual man
faggot noun HOMOSEXUAL
1. [ C ] ( informal fag ) mainly US slang a homosexual man. This word is considered offensive when it is used by people who are not homosexual.
fruit noun PERSON
4. [ C ] US slang a male homosexual. Many people consider this word offensive.
fuzz noun [ U ] POLICE
2. UK and US old-fashioned slang and informal Australian English the police
Watch out! It's the fuzz.
gangbanger noun [ C ] US slang
a member of a violent group of young men, especially ones who use guns and commit crimes
gimme noun [ C usually singular ] US slang
something which is extremely easy to do
That first test question was a gimme, for sure.
gonzo adjective US slang
(especially used of pieces of writing in newspapers) intended to be shocking and exciting rather than give information
gonzo journalism
greenback noun [ C ] US old-fashioned slang
a US dollar
grub verb -bb- TAKE
2. [ T usually + adverb or preposition ] US slang to ask someone for something without intending to pay for it
Could I grub a cigarette off you?
grungy adjective mainly US slang
(of a person) feeling tired and dirty, or (of a thing) dirty
He showed up for the interview wearing some grungy old sweatshirt and jeans.
hit verb hitting , hit , hit ATTACK
8. [ T ] mainly US slang to kill someone
Three drug dealers were hit in the city over the weekend.
hit noun [ C ] ATTACK
6. mainly US slang an act of murder
He was the victim of a mafia hit.
homeboy noun [ C ] ( also homey ) US slang
a boy or man from your own town, or someone who is a close friend or a member of your gang
homey noun [ C ] US slang
honky noun [ C ] US slang disapproving
a word used by some black people to refer to a white person
hooch , hootch noun [ U ] US slang
strong alcohol, especially whisky
hood noun [ C ] PLACE
5. ( also 'hood ) US slang a poor neighbourhood
When he started he was just a poor boy from the hood - now he's a multimillionaire.
hoser noun [ C ] US and Canadian slang
a stupid or rude person
ice verb [ T ] KILL
2. US slang to murder someone
jeez exclamation US slang
an expression of surprise or strong emotion
Jeez, don't yell at me - I'm just telling you what she said!
jive noun TALK
2. [ U ] US slang talk which has no meaning or is dishonest
Don't believe a word he says, it's just a bunch of (= a lot of) jive!
jive verb TALK
2. [ T ] US slang to try to make someone believe something that is untrue
Quit jiving me and just tell me where you were!
job noun CRIME
6. [ C ] slang a crime in which money or goods are stolen, or an action or activity which is dishonest or unpleasant
He was put in prison for five years for doing a bank job.
US He really did a job on her, telling her that he would love her for ever and then moving to Fiji with someone else.
john noun [ C ] PERSON
2. US slang a man who is the customer of a prostitute (= a woman who charges men to have sex with her)
juice noun POWER
3. [ U ] US slang power or influence
My cousin Gianni's got all the juice in this neighborhood.
junk noun DRUG
2. [ U ] mainly US slang a dangerous drug, especially heroin
klutz noun [ C ] mainly US slang
a very silly or stupid person, or a person who moves awkwardly
leatherneck noun [ C ] US slang
a soldier in the US Marine Corps
loaded adjective DRUNK
5. [ after verb ] mainly US slang drunk
What a party - everyone was loaded!
loco adjective [ after verb ] mainly US slang
Man, he just went loco and smashed the place up.
lug noun [ C ] PERSON
2. US slang an awkward or stupid man
lug noun [ C ] PERSON
3. US slang a way of talking to a man you like
Come over here and give me a kiss, you big lug.
lulu noun [ C ] US old-fashioned slang
something which is extremely good or extremely bad
I've seen a few black eyes in my time but that's a lulu!
majorly adverb mainly US slang
very or extremely
Have you seen Chrissie's new leather jacket? It's majorly cool.
mama noun [ C ]
2. US slang a woman, especially an attractive one
There's a good-looking mama sitting at the bar.
moll noun [ C ]
1. US slang a female companion of a gangster (= violent criminal)
mooch verb GET
2. [ I or T ] US slang to get something without paying or working for it, or to borrow something without intending to return it
You're old enough to get a job and stop mooching off your family.
He mooched a ten off me, and I knew right then I'd never see it again.
nark verb TELL POLICE
2. [ I ] ( also narc ) US slang to secretly tell the police or someone in authority about something bad or illegal that someone has done
nark noun [ C ] POLICE OFFICER
2. ( also narc ) US slang a police officer whose job is to catch people who produce, sell or use illegal drugs
11. [ C ] US slang a person with a particular characteristic
He's a real sexy number, don't you think?
13. [ C usually singular ] mainly US slang something that is often said
He tried the usual/that old number about how his wife didn't understand him.
OD noun [ C ] plural OD's mainly US slang
off verb [ T ] US slang
to kill someone
They offed him and dumped his body in the swamp.
pack verb CARRY
5. [ T ] US slang to carry something, especially a gun
to pack a gun
Each missile packs several warheads.
figurative This gun packs (= has) a lot of firepower.
patsy noun [ C ] US slang
a person who it is easy to cheat or make suffer
pen noun [ C ] ENCLOSED SPACE
3. US slang for penitentiary
He served nine years in the state pen.
phenom noun [ C ] US slang
someone or something extremely successful, especially someone young in sports who achieves a lot very quickly
In less than a year, the 21-year-old phenom has gone from being a college athlete with great potential to perhaps the best player in baseball.
piece noun [ C ] GUN
8. old-fashioned a gun
an artillery piece
US slang He was carrying a piece when he was arrested.
plug verb [ T ] -gg- SHOOT
2. US slang to shoot someone with a gun
Sure, boss, we plugged the guy (full of lead) .
pot noun DRUG
9. [ U ] US slang or UK old-fashioned slang cannabis
a pot smoker
punk noun CRIMINAL
3. [ C ] mainly US slang a young man who fights and is involved in criminal activities
Listen to me, you little punk - you do that again and I'm gonna break your neck.
putz noun [ C ] US slang
a stupid person
2. [ C or U ] mainly US slang when someone is accused of of crime, or a punishment
He always said he was jailed on a bum rap (= false accusation) .
The police caught him, but somehow he managed to beat the rap (= escape punishment) .
I'm not going to take the rap for you (= be punished for something you did) .
rap noun JUDGMENT
3. [ C ] US slang a judgment or a reaction
The new show got a bum/bad rap (= was severely criticized) in all the papers.
rhubarb noun ARGUMENT
2. [ C ] US old-fashioned slang a loud argument
rubber noun SUBSTANCE
3. [ C ] US slang for a condom
sauce noun THICK LIQUID
2. [ U ] US slang alcohol
Gran's been on the sauce again - she's passed out in the den.
slattern noun [ C ]
2. US slang disapproving a woman who has many sexual partners, for pleasure or payment
sneak verb sneaked or US ALSO snuck , sneaked or US ALSO snuck TELL SECRETLY
2. [ I ] UK slang disapproving to secretly tell someone in authority, especially a teacher, that someone else has done something bad, often in order to cause trouble
She was one of those dreadful children who was always sneaking on other kids in the class.
snoot noun [ C ] US slang
a nose
Keep your big snoot out of my business!
squat noun ANYTHING
3. [ U ] US slang anything
She shouldn't talk - she doesn't know squat about it.
His opinion isn't worth squat.
stacked adjective
2. US slang (of a woman) having large breasts. This sense is considered offensive by many women.
sting noun GETTING STH
4. [ C ] mainly US slang a clever and complicated act of stealing
A bank employee was involved in the sting in which $5 million was stolen.
sting noun GETTING STH
5. [ C ] mainly US slang a police action to catch criminals in which the police pretend to be criminals
a sting operation
suck verb BE BAD
3. [ I ] mainly US slang If someone or something sucks, they are bad or unpleasant
Man, this job sucks!
While my brother was sick, I had to do all of his chores and it sucked.
swish noun [ C ] LIKE A WOMAN
2. US slang disapproving a man who behaves or appears in a way that is generally considered more suited to a woman, and who does not have traditional male qualities
swishy adjective LIKE A WOMAN
1. US slang disapproving describes a man who behaves or appears in a way that is generally considered more suited to a woman
tightwad noun [ C ] US slang disapproving
a person who is not willing to spend money
There's no point in asking Joe to pay for it - he's a real tightwad.
tramp noun WOMAN
2. [ C ] US slang disapproving a woman who has sex often, with a lot of different partners
tush noun [ C ] US slang
the part of your body that you sit on; bottom
I slipped on the ice and landed right on my tush!
waste verb [ T ] KILL
2. US slang to kill someone
wasted adjective DRUNK
3. mainly US slang very drunk or ill from drugs
He was too wasted to drive.
Paula was completely wasted after only one drink.
ˈ barf ˌ bag noun [ C ] mainly US slang
a waterproof paper bag provided for each passenger on an aircraft in case they need to vomit
Bronx cheer noun [ C ] US slang
a rude sound made by sticking the tongue out and blowing
ˌ butt ˈ naked adjective US slang
completely naked
C-note noun [ C ] US slang
a piece of paper money with the value of 100 dollars
ˈ fall ˌ guy noun [ C usually singular ] mainly US slang
a person who is falsely blamed for something that has gone wrong, or for a crime that they have not committed
The governor was looking for a fall guy to take the blame for the corruption scandal.
G-man noun [ C ] US slang
a government official in the US, especially one who works for the FBI
ˈ grease ˌ monkey noun [ C ] mainly US old-fashioned slang
someone whose job is repairing car or aircraft engines
ˈ hot ˌ button noun [ C ] US slang
a subject that is important to people and which they feel strongly about
Gender issues have become something of a hot button.
Abortion has become a hot button issue .
lily-white adjective RACE
2. US slang disapproving Caucasian
a lily-white suburb
ˈ mall ˌ rat noun [ C ] US slang
a young person who goes to shopping malls (= large covered shopping areas) to spend time with their friends
no-good adjective [ before noun ] US slang disapproving
describes someone who does nothing useful or helpful and is therefore considered to be of little value
a no-good son of a bitch
no-lose adjective US slang
describes a set of conditions in which there will be a happy and successful result whatever happens
For him this is a no-lose campaign - he will become either vice president-elect or a much stronger presidential contender for the next election.
pork-barrel adjective [ before noun ] US slang disapproving
involving the spending of large amounts of money in an area in order to become more popular with local voters
pork-barrel projects/spending
ˈ shooting ˌ gallery noun [ C ] DRUGS
2. US slang a place where people go to inject illegal drugs
Police raided a well-known shooting gallery on Thursday night.
ˈ skin ˌ flick noun [ C ] US slang
a film that shows sexual acts in a way that is intended to cause sexual excitement but that would be considered unpleasant and offensive by many people
It's a cheap movie house that only shows skin flicks.
ˌ wiped ˈ out adjective [ after verb ] DRUNK
2. US slang suffering from the effects of drinking alcohol or taking drugs
condom noun [ C ] ( UK also sheath , US slang also rubber )
a thin rubber covering that a man can wear on his penis during sex to stop a woman becoming pregnant or to protect him or his partner against infectious diseases
diss -ss- , dis verb [ T ] US slang
to speak or behave rudely to someone or to show them no respect
Don't diss me, man!
dosshouse noun [ C ] ( US flophouse ) slang
an extremely cheap hotel for poor people who have no home in a city
faggot noun HOMOSEXUAL
1. [ C ] ( informal fag ) mainly US slang a homosexual man. This word is considered offensive when it is used by people who are not homosexual.
homeboy noun [ C ] ( also homey ) US slang
a boy or man from your own town, or someone who is a close friend or a member of your gang
hooch , hootch noun [ U ] US slang
strong alcohol, especially whisky
hood noun [ C ] PLACE
5. ( also 'hood ) US slang a poor neighbourhood
When he started he was just a poor boy from the hood - now he's a multimillionaire.
nark verb TELL POLICE
2. [ I ] ( also narc ) US slang to secretly tell the police or someone in authority about something bad or illegal that someone has done
nark noun [ C ] POLICE OFFICER
2. ( also narc ) US slang a police officer whose job is to catch people who produce, sell or use illegal drugs
noddle noun [ C ] ( US noodle ) old-fashioned slang
the head of a person, or their ability to think
Did that hit you on the noddle?
Use your noddle - clear the shelves before you paint the cupboard!
perpetrator noun [ C ] ( US old-fashioned slang perp ) formal
someone who has committed a crime, or a violent or harmful act
The perpetrators of the massacre must be brought to justice as war criminals.
ˈ traffic po ˌ lice plural noun ( US slang traffic cops )
police officers whose job is to direct the movement of vehicles on a road or to stop drivers who are breaking the law and give them an official notice of their offence
fink on sb phrasal verb US old-fashioned slang
to tell other people secret and damaging information about someone
fink out phrasal verb US slang
to fail to do something, especially something promised
We'd planned to go camping but at the last minute Ron finked out.
get (sb) off phrasal verb PLEASURE
2. mainly US slang to have or give someone an orgasm
They got off at the same time.
go down phrasal verb HAPPEN
8. US slang If an event such as a crime or a deal goes down, it happens
I tried to tell Tyrell what was going down, but he wouldn't listen.
hit on sb phrasal verb US slang
to show someone that you are sexually attracted to them
Some guy hit on me while I was standing at the bar.
knock sth off phrasal verb [ M ] STEAL
1. ( US knock sth over ) slang to steal something
He has a stack of computer equipment he's knocked off from various shops.
Terrorist groups are knocking off ( US also knocking over ) banks to get money.
He was caught selling knocked-off car radios in the pub.
knock sth off phrasal verb [ M ] STEAL
1. ( US knock sth over ) slang to steal something
He has a stack of computer equipment he's knocked off from various shops.
Terrorist groups are knocking off ( US also knocking over ) banks to get money.
He was caught selling knocked-off car radios in the pub.
lay sth on phrasal verb [ M ] TELL
2. mainly US slang to tell someone something they did not know
I hate to be the one to lay this on you, but your girlfriend has just left with another guy.
make with sth phrasal verb US old-fashioned slang
to give, bring or do something
He pointed a gun and said "Make with the money bags, baby!"
mess sb up phrasal verb INJURE
2. US slang to hit someone repeatedly so that they are badly injured
put out phrasal verb US slang
(especially of a woman) to agree to have sex
I wasn't going to put out just because he'd paid for dinner.
ream sb (out) phrasal verb [ M ] US slang
to tell someone off severely because you strongly disapprove of their behaviour
The boss reamed them out for sleeping on the job.
rub sb out phrasal verb [ M ] US slang
to murder someone
He was rubbed out by the Mafia.
snuff sb out phrasal verb [ M ] US slang
to kill someone
b. [ plural ] US slang the way you hold your mouth when playing a wind instrument such as a saxophone , or more generally, your ability to play a musical instrument
She's got great chops for a 14-year-old.
[ plural ] US slang a woman's breasts. This sense is considered offensive.
the man
US slang the police
the poop US old-fashioned slang
Did you get the poop on all the candidates?
that beats everything ( US also that beats all ) slang
expression showing great surprise
You mean she just left her job without telling anyone she was going? Well, that beats everything!
cop a feel US slang
to touch someone in a sexual way without their permission
cop a plea slang US
to admit to having committed a crime in order to avoid being punished for a more serious crime
do a number on sb US slang
to hurt, defeat or embarrass someone
She really did a number on her old boyfriend, making him beg her to come back and then turning him down.
put the squeeze on sb ( US also put the bite on sb ) slang
to ask someone to give you money
She put the squeeze on her mother for a hundred bucks.
The insurance company put the bite on me for a huge increase in my premium after I crashed the car.
get off your tail US slang
to stop being lazy and start doing something
You've just got to get off your tail and start looking for a job.

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