fundamentalism noun [ U ]
belief in old and traditional forms of religion, or the belief that what is
written in a holy book, such as the Christian Bible, is completely true
years have witnessed a growth in religious fundamentalism.
futurism noun
[ U ]
a new way
of thinking in the arts that started in the 1920s and 1930s which attempted to
express through a range of art forms the characteristics and images of the
modern age, such as machines, speed, movement and power
globalism noun [ U ]
the idea
that events in one country cannot be separated from those in another and that a
government should therefore consider the effects of its actions in other
countries as well as its own
hedonism noun
[ U ]
and behaving in ways that mean you get as much pleasure out of life as
possible, according to the belief that the most important thing in life is to
enjoy yourself
heroism noun
[ U ]
an act of
Hinduism noun
[ U ]
ancient religion with Indian origins whose characteristics include the worship
of many gods and goddesses and the belief that when a person or creature
dies, their spirit returns to life in another body
holism noun
[ U ]
belief that each thing is a whole which is more important than the parts that
make it up
hooliganism noun [ U ]
humanism noun
[ U ]
a belief
system based on the principle that people's spiritual and emotional needs can
be satisfied without following a god or religion
humanitarianism noun [ U ]
hypnotism noun [ U ]
people try hypnotism to cure themselves of addictions.
idealism noun
[ U ]
1. the
belief that your ideals can be achieved, often when this does not seem likely
to others
She never
lost her youthful idealism and campaigned for just causes all her life.
idealism noun
[ U ]
2. specialized the belief in philosophy that
objects in the world are ideas which only exist in the mind of God or people
who see them
imperialism noun [ U ] often disapproving
1. a
system in which a country rules other countries, sometimes having used force to
get power over them
the age
of imperialism
imperialism noun [ U ] often disapproving
2. when
one country has a lot of power or influence over others, especially in political
and economic matters
accused the United States of economic imperialism.
Impressionism noun [ U ]
a style
of painting, which began in France in the 1860s, in which the artist tries to
represent the effects of light on an object, person, area of countryside, etc.
individualism noun [ U ] SINGLE
1. the
idea that freedom of thought and action for each person is the most important
quality of a society, rather than shared effort and responsibility
individualism noun [ U ] DIFFERENT
2. the
quality of being different or original
industrialism noun [ U ]
the idea
or state of having a country's economy, society or political system based on
intellectualism noun [ U ] usually disapproving
internationalism noun [ U ]
1. the
state of being international, or happening in and between many countries
increasing internationalism of criminals
internationalism noun [ U ]
2. the
belief that countries can achieve more advantages by working together and
trying to understand each other than by arguing and fighting wars with each
interventionism noun [ U ]
ism noun
[ C ] informal mainly humorous
a set of
beliefs, especially ones that you disapprove of
is unique among her predecessors in having given the English language a brand
new ism, created from her own name.
isolationism noun [ U ] disapproving
political principle or practice of showing interest only in your own country
and not being involved in international activities
jingoism noun
[ U ] disapproving
extreme belief that your own country is always best, which is often shown in
enthusiastic support for a war against another country
can turn into jingoism and intolerance very quickly.
journalism noun [ U ]
the work
of collecting, writing and publishing news stories and articles in newspapers
and magazines or broadcasting them on the radio and television
Judaism noun
[ U ]
religion of the Jewish people, based on belief in one God and on the laws
contained in the Torah and Talmud
Lamaism noun
[ U ]
leftism noun
[ U ]
Leninism noun
[ U ]
social, political and economic principles and theories developed from Marxism
by the Russian politician V.I. Lenin, supporting direct rule by workers
lesbianism noun [ U ]
condition of being a lesbian
liberalism noun [ U ]
lyricism noun
[ U ]
beautiful expression of personal thoughts and feelings in writing or music
harshness of the book's subject is softened by a certain lyricism in the
magnetism noun [ U ] ATTRACTIVE QUALITY
1. a
quality that makes someone very attractive to other people
actress has a personal magnetism that is rare in someone so young.
magnetism noun [ U ] OBJECT
2. the
power of being able to attract iron and steel objects and also push them away
malapropism noun [ C ]
the wrong
use of one word instead of another word because they sound similar to each
other, and which is funny as a result
mannerism noun [ C ]
that a person does repeatedly with their face, hands or voice, and which they
may not be realise they are doing
He's got
some very strange mannerisms.
spent so much time together that we've picked up each other's mannerisms.
Mannerism noun [ U ] specialized
a style
of 16th century art, common in Italy, France and Spain, which did not follow
traditional rules of painting and tried to represent an image of beauty that
was perfect rather than natural
is characterized by a distortion of proportions and perspective.
Maoism noun
[ U ]
the type
of Communism introduced in China by Mao Zedong
Marxism noun
[ U ]
a social,
political and economic theory which is based on the writings of Karl Marx
masochism noun [ U ]
1. the
activity of getting sexual pleasure from being hurt or controlled by another
masochism noun [ U ]
2. informal the enjoyment of an activity or
situation that most people would find very unpleasant
I reckon
you need to be into masochism to run marathons.
materialism noun [ U ] MONEY
1. the
belief that having money and possessions is the most important thing in life
So have
we become a self-centred society, preoccupied with materialism?
materialism noun [ U ] PHYSICAL
2. specialized the belief that only
physical matter exists and the spiritual world does not
McCarthyism noun [ U ]
the act
of accusing someone of something that is considered unacceptable by many
people, especially when you have no proof
is named after the American politician Joseph McCarthy, who in the 1950s
accused many Americans of being Communists.
She was a
victim of McCarthyism.
mechanism noun [ C ] MACHINE PART
1. a part
of a machine, or a set of parts that work together
automatic cameras have a special focusing mechanism.
mechanism noun [ C ] SYSTEM
2. a way
of doing something which is planned or part of a system
mechanism for collecting taxes needs revising.
mechanism noun [ C ] BEHAVIOUR
3. a part
of your behaviour which helps you to deal with a difficult situation
actually rather insecure, and her rudeness is just a defence mechanism.
metabolism noun [ C ] specialized
all the
chemical processes in your body, especially those that cause food to be used
for energy and growth
is supposed to speed up your metabolism.
Methodism noun [ U ]
beliefs and activities of a Christian group which follows the teachings of John
microorganism noun [ C ]
a living
thing which on its own is too small to be seen without a microscope
militarism noun [ U ] disapproving
belief that it is necessary to have strong armed forces and that they should be
used in order to win political or economic advantages
minimalism noun [ U ]
modernism noun [ U ]
1. modern
thinking or methods
seeks to find new forms of expression and rejects traditional or accepted
modernism noun [ U ]
2. specialized the ideas and methods of
modern art, especially in the simple design of buildings in the 1940s, 50s and
60s which were made from modern materials
monasticism noun [ U ]
the way monks
monetarism noun [ U ]
a system
of controlling a country's economy by limiting how much money is in use at a
particular time
mongolism noun [ U ] offensive old-fashioned
monotheism noun [ U ]
belief that there is only one god
multiculturalism noun [ U ]
existence of several cultures within a society
mysticism noun [ U ]
belief that there is hidden meaning in life or that each human being can unite
with God
narcissism noun [ U ] disapproving
too much
interest in and admiration for your own physical appearance and/or your own
narcoterrorism noun [ U ]
criminal actions relating to the trade in illegal drugs
nationalism noun [ U ]
1. the
wish for and the attempt to achieve political independence for your country or
nationalism noun [ U ]
2. a
great or too great love of your own country
The book
documents the rise of the political right with its accompanying strands of
nationalism and racism.
Naturalism noun [ U ]
(in art
and literature) showing people and experiences as they really are, instead of
suggesting that they are better than they really are or representing them in a
fixed style
Ibsen and Chekhov are a few of the dramatists who were influenced by
naturism noun
[ U ]
Nazism noun
[ U ]
negativism noun [ U ] ( also negativity )
feeling of not being hopeful, or considering only the bad side of a situation
There's a
real attitude of negativism among the team at the moment.
neoclassicism noun [ U ]
neocolonialism noun [ U ]
control by a rich country of a poorer country that should be independent and
free to govern itself
neologism noun [ C ] formal
a new
word or expression, or a new meaning for an existing word
nepotism noun
[ U ] disapproving
your power or influence to get good jobs or unfair advantages for members of
your own family
He was
guilty of nepotism and corruption.
nihilism noun
[ U ] specialized
a belief
that all political and religious organizations are bad, or a system of thought
which says that there are no principles or beliefs which have any meaning or
can be true
nimbyism noun
[ U ]
were accused of nimbyism when they tried to stop the new superstore
nudism noun
[ U ]
activity of wearing no clothes because you believe that wearing no clothes is
obstructionism noun [ U ] disapproving
someone intentionally stops or delays an official process
opportunism noun [ U ]
in which you use every situation to try to get power or an advantage
optimism noun
[ U ]
hopeful and emphasizing the good part of a situation rather than the bad part;
the belief that good things will happen in the future
There was
a note of optimism in his voice as he spoke about the company's future.
from your examination results, I think you have cause/grounds/reason for cautious
optimism about getting a university place.
organism noun
[ C ]
a single
living plant, animal, virus, etc
and bacteria are single-celled organisms.
ostracism noun [ U ]
victims often experience social ostracism and discrimination.
pacifism noun
[ U ]
belief that war is wrong, and therefore that to fight in a war is wrong
paganism noun
[ U ]
pantheism noun [ U ]
belief in
many or all gods, or the belief that God exists in and is the same as all
things, animals and people within the universe
parasitism noun [ U ]
parochialism noun [ U ] disapproving
paternalism noun [ U ] usually disapproving
people in authority think or act in a way which results in them making
decisions for other people which are often to their advantage but which prevent
those people from taking responsibility for their own lives
patriotism noun [ U ]
when you
love your country and are proud of it
Pentecostalism noun [ U ]
a modern
section of the Christian religion which began in the US in 1901, whose members
believe that everything written in the Bible is true
perfectionism noun [ U ]
the wish
for everything to be correct
perfectionism can be very irritating.
pessimism noun [ U ]
or thinking of the bad part of a situation rather than the good part, or the
feeling that bad things are more likely to happen than good things
There is
now a mood of deepening pessimism about/over the economy.
underlying pessimism infuses all her novels.
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