Wednesday, 19 November 2014

MBA VIVA.............S@IFUR'S

MBA Viva Preparation Manual

Written by
Yeasir Ahmed Milan
Head of Smart English Dept., S@ifur’s
Instructed by
Mahamodul Alom, GM, Academic, S@ifur’s

Sample Viva Questions-Answers

Q1: Please introduce yourself.
Ans.: Sure sir. I am................................ You can also call me ...................... That’s my nick name. I am from ................................... We are five members in our family. I did my ........................... from ......................................University. Now, I intend to pursue BBA/MBA degree from this university.

Ans.: Well, I am Nazifa Bashir Jeme. You can call me Jeme. That’s my nick name. I was born and brought up at Barguna, the southern part of Bangladesh. I finished my primary schooling and middle school at Patharghata. I completed my HSC from SFH College Lemua, with board stand marks. And I finished my graduation, BBA, and post graduation, MBA from the University of Dhaka. I stood first in my MBA and secured Dean Hons. Merit List in my BBA. Finally, I also completed my MA in English, ELT from Eastern University, Dhaka. That’s all about me sir.

Ans.: Sure, sir. I am Muhammad Yeasir. You can also call me Milan. That’s my nick name. I am from the southern part of Bangladesh, Barguna, a place of greeneries and wild life. We are 5 members in our family. My father is no more. I did my BBA and MBA from the University of Dhaka. I also did my MA in English (ELT) from Eastern University. In all my academic degrees, I stood first among all students and I was awarded Dean Honour’s Merit List position in the University of Dhaka. I am a BBC accent trainer. I also train Bangladesh Army, BGB, and the Police. It is worth mentioning that I am a materials writer and teachers’ trainer. I am honest, hardworking, challenging and visionary. White is my favourite colour, local food is my favourite food. Prophet Muhammad (SA) is my favourite person. That’s all about me. Thank you. 
Q2: What was your major?
 Ans.: My major was Accounting. I love this discipline as I am good at numbers and besides this is a very practical and applied subject.
Q3: Do you have any preference in choosing subject here?
Ans.: Yes sir. If you allow me to choose, I would surely select Finance. If you ask me why, I would say for high demand in the job market and surely I enjoy learning the applied aspects of Finance a lot. But the final decision is yours sir. I would love to study the subject which you choose for me. I just told my wish.
Q4: Do you have the qualities which a student requires to study Finance?
Ans.: Yes sir, I beleive so. As I said, I am good at numbers and analytical ability. All students of Finance must have this expertise. Besides, I want to stablish my career in the field of Finance.

Q4: Can you define Accounting?
Ans.: Sure sir. Accounting is an information system that provides information to the users of Accounting so that they can take proper and timely decisions.
Q5: What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Ans.: Sir, my strengths are I am very challenging, hardworking and disciplined. And my weaknesses,well, I am very homesick, a bit emotional!
Q6: Who will bear the educational expenses here?
Ans.: Sir, I myself. I am doing a job and I am well-paid. So, it would be very easy for me to bear the educational expenses.
Q7: Have you heard about SWOT analysis? If yes, what are the uses of this?
Ans.: SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis. This managerial tool is very important for almost all kinds of challenging decision making like for market analysis, performance analysis, strategic planning, etc.

Presentation based spoken……
সাথে সাথে আউটপুট

1.       K‡jR I wek¦we`¨vj‡qi QvÎ-QvÎx, PvKywi cÖv_x© I PvKzwiRxex, wkÿK, IELTS Candidates mn hviv †h †Kvb cwiw¯’wZ‡Z Bs‡iwR‡Z K_v ej‡Z Pvb Zv‡`i Rb¨ G ‡Kvm©|
2.      hviv ï× Bs‡iwR evK¨ ˆZwi Ki‡Z cv‡ib bv Zviv G †Kvm© K‡i Kgc‡ÿ 1,00,000 ï× I b¨vPvivj evK¨ ˆZwi Ki‡Z cvi‡eb|
3.      G †Kv‡m© i‡q‡Q 11,000 ¸iæZ¡c~Y© †¯úv‡Kb Bswjk kã hv mKj QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i ‡VvuU¯’ n‡q hv‡e| 
4.      Re B›UviwfD, K¬vm ‡cÖ‡R‡›UBkbm, AvBGjUm w¯úwKs gwWDj-G dvUvdvwU cvidi‡gÝ †`Lv‡Z PvB‡j G †Kv‡m©i weKí †bB| (i‡q‡Q 40wU wewfbœ ai‡bi †cÖ‡R‡›UBkbm)
5.      G QvovI i‡q‡Q `ªæZ Bs‡iwR ejvi cÖgvwYZ †KŠkj mg~n, wiwWs ÷vBjm, weªwUk I Av‡gwiKvb Bs‡iwR †evSvi AmvaviY wUcm|
6.      ‡Lj‡Z ‡Lj‡Z Bs‡iwR wk‡L hv‡eb Avcwb| evsjv‡`‡k GwUB GKgvÎ †¯úv‡Kb Bswjk †Kvm© †hLv‡b wkÿv_x©‡`i Bs‡iwR ejvi my‡hvM A‡bK| cÖ‡qvR‡b GKwU wd« K¬v‡m AskMÖnY Kiæb|
7.     G †Kvm©wU cwiPvjbv Ki‡Qb GKRb wek¦we`¨vj‡qi wkÿK whwb 20 eQi a‡i Bs‡iwR †kLv wb‡q M‡elYv Ki‡Qb I evsjv‡`‡k ï× Bs‡iwR D”PviY †kLv‡bvi cw_K…Z| (Bqvmxi m¨vi, 01714163649)

K¬vm msL¨v: 24wU         ‡Kvm© wd: 5,500 UvKv|  

M¨vivw›U: wbqwgZ K¬vm K‡i G †Kvm©wU mgvß Kivi ci w¯úwKs bv wkL‡Z cvi‡j wd« †Kvm© wiwcwUk‡bi my‡hvM †`qv n‡e|  (* kZ© cÖ‡hvR¨)

¯§vU© †¯úv‡Kb †níjvBb: 01714163649, 01713017811, 01817110600, 01713432096, 01713432072, 01713004576, 01713042983, 01713204783, 01199982206, 01713432009, 01713432041

বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে ভাল প্রেজেন্টেইশন দেয়া শিখতে চাইলে এ কোর্সটির কোন বিকল্প নেই। বিশ্বমানের ইংরেজি শিখে নিজের ক্যারিয়ার গড়ুন।

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