Monday, 27 May 2013

TOEFL Word List 1600 (3)

quaint: odd; old-fashioned; picturesque; unfamiliar or unusual in character

quandary: dilemma; state of uncertainty or perplexity

quench: put out a fire; extinguish; put an end to; destroy

query: inquiry; doubt in the mind; mental reservation

quest: act of searching for something

quote: cite or repeat a passage from; repeat or copy the words of another

radiant: brilliant; delighted

radical: drastic; extreme; arising from or going to a root or source; basic

ragged: torn; worn; having an irregular surface or edge; uneven or jagged in outline

raid: search without warning; surprise attack by a small armed force

random: without definite purpose, plan, or aim; having no specific pattern

range: limits within which something can be effective; variety of different things or activities

ration: allotment; allowance; portion; allot; distribute in rations

raw: in the natural unprocessed condition; cruel and unfair; uncooked; untrained and inexperienced

raze: destroy completely; scrape or shave off

rebellion: organized opposition to authority

recede: move back; retreat; withdraw a claim or pretension

reception: act of receiving; manner in which something is greeted

recess: withdrawing or retiring; moving back; retreat; state of being withdrawn; seclusion

reciprocal: concerning each of two or more persons or things; exchangeable; interacting

reckless: headstrong; rash; indifferent to or disregardful of consequences

reclaim: bring into or return to a suitable condition for use; claim back; make useful again

reconcile: correct inconsistencies; become friendly after a quarrel; become compatible or consistent

recount: narrate or tell; count over again

recrimination: countercharge; counter or mutual accusation

recruit: enlist; register formally as a participant; engage for military service

recurring: repeated; Returning again; repetitious

redeem: purchase back; regain possession of by payment; ransom or rescue from captivity; pay penalty; make amends for

redoubtable: formidable; arousing fear or awe; worthy of respect or honor

refine: purify; make more precise; improve

refute: disprove; prove to be false or incorrect

rehabilitate: restore to proper condition; help to re-adapt, as to former state of health or good repute

rehearse: practice; drill; engage in preparation for a public performance

reign: sovereignty; rule; dominance or widespread influence

reimburse: pay back for some expense incurred

reiterate: say, state, or perform again or repeatedly

rejoice: feel joy; experience gladness in a high degree; have pleasurable satisfaction; be delighted; enjoy

rejoicing: of rejoice; feeling and expression of joy and gladness; procedure expressive of joy; festivity

release: give off; liberate; grant freedom to; make something available

relegate: assign to obscure place, position, or condition; delegate; assign

reliable: worthy of being depended on; trustworthy

relinquish: give up something with reluctance; retire from; give up or abandon

relish: take keen or zestful pleasure in; enjoy the flavor of; give spice or flavor to

remedy: a medicine or therapy; ; cure; fix; repair; provide relief for

reminisce: recollect and tell of past experiences or events; talk or write about memories of the past, especially pleasant memories

remit: send back; give up; surrender; resign; restore; transmit or send, especially as money in payment of a demand

remnant: remainder; small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists

render: deliver;give or make available; provide; represent in a drawing or painting

renounce: abandon; disown; turn away from; give up

renowned: famous; celebrated for great achievements, for distinguished qualities

repeal: revoke or annul, especially by official or formal act

repel: force or drive back; disgust; offer resistance to; fight against

repercussion: often indirect effect or result that is produced by an event or action; reflection, especially of sound

replenish: fill or make complete again; add a new stock or supply to

reproach: express disapproval or disappointment; bring shame upon; disgrace

reprobate: person hardened in sin; person without moral scruples

reproduce: have offspring or young; duplicate; make a copy

reprove: voice or convey disapproval of; rebuke; find fault with

repugnance: extreme dislike or aversion; opposition; conflict; resistance, in a physical sense

repute: ascribe a particular fact or characteristic to; consider; suppose

rescind: cancel; make void; repeal or annul

resent: feel bitter; consider as injury or affront; be in angry

reserved: held in reserve; kept back or set aside; marked by self-restraint and reticence

residual: remaining as a residue; surplus

resolute: firm, unyielding, or determined; having decided purpose

restless: never resting; unquiet; uneasy; continually moving; eager for change; discontented

resume: give a summary; return to a previous location or condition

resurrection: rising again; resumption of vigor; act of rising from the dead or returning to life

retaliate: do something harmful or negative to get revenge for some harm; fight back or respond in kind to an injury or affront
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reticent: inclined to keep silent; reserved; uncommunicative.

retract: withdraw; take back; draw back or in

retreat: receding; pull back or move away or backward; withdrawal of troops to a more favorable position

retrieve: recover; find and bring in; get back

reveal: make known; disclose or show

revere: worship; regard with feelings of respect or honor

revoke: void or annul by recalling, withdrawing, or reversing; cancel; retract

riddle: pierce with numerous holes; perforate; permeate or spread throughout

rigid: stiff and unyielding; strict; hard and unbending; not flexible

rigor: strictness or severity, as in temperament, action, or judgment; something hard to endure

rip: tear or be torn violently; criticize or abuse strongly and violently

ripe: ready; fully developed; mature

risky: involving risk or danger; hazardous

roam: wander; ramble; stroll

rotundity: roundness; rounded fullness; integral entireness

rough: not perfected; having or caused by an irregular surface

route: way for travel or transportation

rudimentary: relating to basic facts or principles; being in the earliest stages of development; incipient

rugged: uneven; rough; very difficult

rummage: make an energetic, usually hasty search

rural: country; relating to rural areas

ruthless: pitiless; cruel; having no compassion or pity; merciless

salvage: save from loss or destruction; rescue of a ship; save for further use

sanction: give authorization or approval to something; penalize a state, especially for violating international law

sanctuary: place of refuge or asylum; shrine; holy place, such as a church, temple, or mosque

sanguine: cheerfully confident; optimistic; of healthy reddish color; ruddy

saturate: soak, fill, or load to capacity; cause to unite with the greatest possible amount of another substance

scale: climb up or over; alter according to a standard; estimate or measure; remove in layers

scan: make a wide, sweeping search of; examine

scant: scarcely sufficient; less than is wanted for the purpose; not enough

scarce: hard to find; absent or rare; limited

scatter: sprinkle; disseminate; cause to separate and go in different directions

scent: distinctive odor that is pleasant; fragrance; perfume

scholarly: academic; scientific; characteristic of scholars or scholarship

scope: range of one's perceptions, thoughts, or actions; extent; bound

scorch: burn superficially; parch, or shrivel, the surface of, by heat; affect painfully with heat; burn

scorn: extreme and lofty contempt; haughty disregard

scrap: small piece or bit; fragment; fragment; leftover bits of food; remnant

scribble: write or draw carelessly and in a hurry; doodle; meaningless marks and lines

scrupulous: exactly and carefully conducted; by extreme care and great effort; cautious

scrutinize: examine closely and critically

seasoned: experienced, especially in terms of a profession or a hobby; aged or processed

secluded: removed or remote from others; solitary; hidden or isolated

sedition: resistance to authority; insubordination or rebellion

seemly: proper; appropriate; of pleasing appearance; handsome

sensational: arousing or intended to arouse strong curiosity, interest, or reaction

sentinel: one that keeps guard; soldier stationed as a guard

sequester: isolate; retire from public life; segregate; seclude

serene: completely clear and fine

sever: cut off from a whole; set or keep apart; divide or separate

severe: serious in feeling or manner; not light, lively, or cheerful

shabby: torn or worn to rage; poor; mean; ragged

shatter: destroy; break up; break into many pieces

sheer: very thin or transparent; very steep; absolute or pure

shimmer: shine with a weak or fitful light; glimmer intermittently

shiver: shake with or as if with cold; tremble; break into fragments or splinters

shred: a small amount; a long, narrow piece cut or torn off; long irregular strip that is cut or torn off

shrewd: clever; characterized by keen awareness, sharp intelligence

shrill: acute; sharp; piercing; having or emitting a sharp, piercing tone or sound

shrink: become smaller or draw together; compress

shun: avoid deliberately; keep away from

shy: timid; bashful; easily startled; distrustful

significant: fairly large; important in effect or meaning

signify: denote; mean; indicate

simulate: make a pretence of; reproduce someone's behavior or looks

simultaneous: existing, happening, or done at the same time

singular: unique; extraordinary; being only one

sip: drink or imbibe in small quantities; take in with lips in small quantities, as liquid; draw into the mouth; suck up

skeptical: marked by or given to doubt; questioning

sketch: draw or describe briefly; give the main points; summary of

sketchy: containing only an outline or rough form; being in the manner of a sketch; incomplete

slack: area of still water; lack of tension; cord, rope, or cable that is hanging loosely; unused capacity; casual trousers

slander: defamation; false and malicious statement or report about someone

slender: having little width in proportion to height or length; long and thin

slim: small in quantity; being of delicate or slender build

sluggish: lazy; with little movement; very slow

smolder: burn without flame; be liable to break out at any moment

snare: trap; gin; anything by which one is entangled and brought into trouble

soak: cause or suffer to lie in a fluid; absorb; drain; drink intemperately or gluttonously

sojourn: temporary stay; brief period of residence; place of temporary stay

solace: comfort or relieve in sorrow, misfortune, or distress

solicit: request earnestly; seek to obtain by persuasion or formal application

somber: gloomy; depressing or grave; dull or dark in color

sophisticated: wide-ranging knowledge; complex; intellectually appealing

sophistry: argument for exercise merely; plausible but misleading argument; art or process of reasoning; logic

sort: kind or species; a class of;

sound: sensation perceived by the ear; distinctive noise; long narrow inlet

sovereign: having supreme rank or power; self governing; excellent; independent

span: duration; distance; cover; extent or measure of space between two points

spartan: avoiding luxury and comfort; sternly disciplined

spawn: lay eggs; produce offspring in large numbers

specific: stated explicitly or in detail; definite

specimen: model; sample; an example regarded as typical of its class

spectacular: impressive or sensational; lavishly produced performance; grand

spell: name or write in order the letters constituting; add up to; signify

spin: turn round rapidly; move round rapidly; move swiftly

splash: cause fluid to scatter in flying masses; strike and dash about, as water, mud

splendid: shining; very bright; magnificent; brilliant

splice: fasten together; join at the ends; join by interweaving strands

spoil: go bad; rot; decay; become unfit for consumption or use

sporadic: occurring at irregular intervals; having no pattern or order in time

spot: location; place; site; pinpoint; mark to allow easy recognition

spouse: man or woman engaged or joined in wedlock; married person, husband or wife

sprout: have new growth of a plant such as a new branch or a bud; shoot up

spur: urge a horse; incite or stimulate; ride quickly by spurring a horse; proceed in haste

spurious: false; counterfeit; forged; illogical

squander: spend wastefully; fail to take advantage of; lose a chance for

stable: not easily moved or disturbed

stagnant: not moving or flowing; lacking vitality or briskness; stale; dull

stain: soiled or discolored; symbol of disgrace or infamy; natural spot of a color different from the gound

stale: having lost freshness; lacking originality or spontaneity

stall: small area set off by walls for special use; booth

stately: majestic; impressive, as in size or proportions

stationary: fixed; immobile; static; not capable of being moved

steep: soak; make thoroughly wet

stern: hard, harsh, or severe in manner or character; firm or unyielding

stoic: one who is seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by joy, grief, pleasure, or pain

stout: dependable; stocky; euphemisms for fat

strenuous: arduous; intense; performed with much energy or force;

stretch: extend; pull in opposite directions; lie down comfortably

strife: act of striving; earnest endeavor; exertion or contention for superiority; contest of emulation, either by intellectual or physical efforts

strive: endeavor; struggle or fight forcefully; exert much effort or energy

stubborn: unreasonably, often perversely unyielding; persistent; difficult to treat

stumble: miss a step and fall or nearly fall; walk unsteadily

stun: surprise greatly; amaze; make senseless or dizzy by or as if by a blow

stupendous: astonishing; wonderful; amazing, especially, astonishing in magnitude or elevation

sturdy: robust; strong; substantially made or constructed

sublime: of high spiritual, moral, or intellectual worth; characterized by nobility; majestic

submerge: sink; immerse; put under water

subsequent: following in time or order; succeeding; later

subside: settle down; sink to a lower level or form depression; wear off or die down

subsidiary: subordinate; secondary; serving to assist or supplement

substantial: fairly large; in essentials; material; true or real; not imaginary; solidly built

subterranean: hidden; secret; situated or operating beneath the earth's surface; underground

subtle: slight; be difficult to detect or grasp by the mind

succumb: submit to an overpowering force; yield to an overwhelming desire; give up or give in

sullen: lonely; solitary; desolate; gloomy; dismal; affected with ill humor

summit: utmost height; highest point of a mountain

sundry: various; miscellaneous; separate; distinct; diverse

superb: of unusually high quality; excellent; wonderful

superficial: trivial; of little substance; involving a surface only

supplant: replace; usurp; displace and substitute for another

supple: flexible; moving and bending with ease

supplicate: ask for humbly or earnestly, as by praying; make humble, earnest petition; beg

surfeit: eat until excessively full; be more than full; feed someone to excess

surge: outburst; roll or be tossed about on waves, as a boat

surly: rude; sullenly ill humored; gloomy; threatening, as of weather conditions

surmise: guess; infer something without sufficiently conclusive evidence

surpass: be or go beyond, as in degree or quality; exceed

susceptible: easily influenced; having little resistance, as to a disease; receptive to

suspend: hang freely; postpone; delay

sway: swing; move back and forth or sideways; win approval or support for; convince

sweeping: extensive; having wide-ranging influence or effect:

swift: quick; moving or capable of moving with great speed

synthesize: integrate; compose; combine so as to form a new, complex product

taciturn: silent or reserved in speech; saying little; not inclined to speak or converse

tact: sense of touch; feeling; stroke in beating time; sensitive mental touch; peculiar skill or faculty

tactic: plan for attaining a particular goal; action calculated to achieve some end

taint: contaminate; cause to lose purity; affect with or as if with a disease; corrupt morally

tame: domesticated; very restrained or quiet; make less strong or intense; soften

tamper: interfere in a harmful manner; alter improperly

tangle: uniting or knitting together confusedly; knot of threads, or other thing, united confusedly, or so interwoven as not to be easily disengaged

tantalize: tease; torture with disappointment; bait someone by showing something desirable but leaving them unsatisfied

tantamount: equivalent in effect or value

tardy: late; delayed; moving slowly

tarnish: make dirty or spotty; stain; dull the luster of; discolor, especially by exposure to air or dirt

tart: a species of small open pie, or piece of pastry, containing jelly or conserve; a sort of fruit pie

taunt: reproach in a mocking, insulting, or contemptuous manner; make fun of , often in an aggressive manner

tautology: unnecessary repetition, especially for same sense in different words ; redundancy

tawdry: cheap in nature or appearance; tastelessly showy; shameful or indecent

tease: tear into pieces; raise the fibers of

tedious: tiresome by reason of length, slowness, or dullness; progressing very slowly

temperate: restrained; self-controlled; moderate in degree or quality

tempting: attractive; appealing

tender: offer formally; extend; propose a payment

tenor: general, usual, or prevailing course or direction; settled or prevailing or habitual course of a person's life

tentative: hesitant; not fully worked out or developed; experimental; not definite or positive

tepid: moderately warm; lacking in emotional warmth or enthusiasm; halfhearted

tether: tie with rope; fasten or restrict with rope or chain

thaw: melt, such as snow and ice; defrost; warm weather following a freeze

thermal: relating to or caused by heat; designed to help retain heat

thorough: accurate or careful; complete

thrifty: careful about money; economical

thrive: make steady progress; prosper; flourish

thwart: hinder or prevent of ; frustrate

tilt: slight but noticeable partiality; line or surface that departs from the vertical

timid: shy; craven; lacking self-confidence; shy

tint: color; dye with a color

toil: exhausting labor or effort; any thread, web, or string spread for taking prey

tolerant: showing respect for the rights of others; open-minded; showing capacity for endurance

torpid: having lost motion, or the power of exertion and feeling; numb; benumbed

torrent: rushing stream; flood; heavy downpour

torture: extreme pain; anguish of body or mind

toupee: partial wig or hairpiece worn to cover a bald spot

tow: draw or pull behind by a chain or line

towering: high; outstanding; very great or intense

toxic: poisonous; caused by a toxin or other poison

trait: quality; attribute; distinguishing feature; slight degree or amount

trajectory: path of other moving body through space; chosen or taken course

tranquility: a state of peace and quiet

transmute: change from one form, nature, substance, or state into another; transform

transparent: easily detected; permitting light to pass through freely

transpose: substitute one for the other of; reverse or transfer order or place of; interchange

traverse: go through or across, often under difficult conditions

treacherous: dangerous; dangerously unstable and unpredictable; disloyal; tending to betray

tremendous: huge; capable of making one tremble; terrible

tremor: shaking or vibrating movement; slight quiver

trepidation: state of alarm or dread; nervous apprehension; involuntary trembling or quivering

tribunal: seat of a judge; bench on which a judge and his associates sit for administering justice; court or forum

trickle: flow in drops; run or flow slowly; drip

trigger: cause something happen; set off

triumph: victory; win; expressing great joy

trivial: unimportant; of little significance or value; ordinary; commonplace

tug: pull or draw with great effort; draw along with continued exertion; haul along; tow

tumble: fall down, as if collapsing

turbulent: characterized by unrest or disorder

turmoil: state of extreme confusion or agitation; commotion or tumult

twinkle: open and shut the eye rapidly; blink; wink

tyro: beginner in learning something; novice

ultimate: final; being the last or concluding; fundamental; elemental; extreme

unbearable: unendurable; so unpleasant, distasteful, or painful as to be intolerable

uncanny: strange; mysterious; peculiarly unsettling, as if of supernatural origin or nature

uncouth: lacking refinement or cultivation or taste

undergo: experience; suffer; pass through

underlying: lying under or beneath something; basic; implicit; taking precedence; prior

underscore: draw a mark or line under; emphasize; stress

undertake: take on; embark on; assume

ungainly: awkward; lacking grace in movement or posture

uniform: consistent; standardized; clothing of a particular group

unilateral: being on one side only; affecting but one side; one-sided.

unique: without an equal; being the only one of its kind

universal: affecting all; general; present everywhere; relating to the entire world or all within the world; worldwide

unruly: difficult or impossible to discipline, control, or rule; not according to rule; irregularly

unscathed: not injured or unharmed

upheaval: violent disturbance; sudden, violent disruption or upset

uphold: support; preserve; hold aloft; raise

upkeep: act of keeping up, or maintaining; maintenance

uptight: being in a tense state; excessively concerned with rules and order

urge: force in an indicated direction; stimulate; excite

urgent: pressing; compelling immediate action or attention

usurp: seize and hold power or rights of another by force or without legal authority

utensil: instrument, implement, or container for practical use, especially in kitchen or laboratory

utter: speak; express; send forth with the voice

vacant: void of thought or knowledge; without an occupant or incumbent

vacuous: empty; showing lack of thought or intelligence; vacant

vague: imprecise; indistinct; not clearly expressed; inexplicit

vain: having no real substance, value, or importance; empty; void; worthless; unsatisfying

valedictory: of speech given in farewell, especially one delivered by an outstanding member of graduating class

valiant: vigorous in body; strong; powerful; performed with valor or bravery; heroic

valid: logically convincing; sound; legally acceptable; well grounded

vanguard: advance forces; leading units at front of army or fleet; persons at forefront of any group or movement

vanish: disappear; pass out of sight, especially quickly; die out

vanity: quality or state of being vain; emptiness; feelings of excessive pride; conceit

variable: factor; something that is likely to vary; changeable; inconstant

variation: act of changing or altering

vast: large; broad; extensive; very great in size, number, amount, or quantity

vein: blood vessel that carries blood

venerate: treat with great respect and deference; consider hallowed or be in awe of

venomous: poisonous; secreting and transmitting venom; marked by deep ill will; deliberately harmful

venturesome: willing to try new things and take risks; bold

venue: scene of any event or action; locality where a crime is committed or a cause of action occurs

verbose: wordy; using or containing a great and usually an excessive number of words

verge: extreme edge or margin; border; enclosing boundary; space enclosed by such a boundary

verify: confirm; prove the truth of by presentation of evidence or testimony

versatile: having many talents; capable of working in many fields

vessel: craft; ship; container for liquids

vex: annoy; disturb, especially by minor irritations; be a mystery or bewildering to

viable: practical or workable; capable of maintaining life; capable of continuing effectiveness

vicinity: state of being near in space or relationship; proximity

vie: strive for victory or superiority; contend; compete

vigilance: watchfulness; wakefulness; process of paying close and continuous attention

vigorous: robust; strong; energetic, and active in mind or body

vindicate: clear from blame; exonerate; maintain, uphold, or defend

visceral: felt in one's inner organs; obtained through intuition rather than from reasoning or observation

vital: full of life; animated; necessary to continued existence; living or breathing

vivid: bright; lively; graphic; having striking color

vogue: popular fashion; current state or style of general acceptance and use

volatile: tending to vary often or widely, as in price; inconstant or fickle; tending to violence

voluptuous: giving pleasure or satisfaction of the senses; having strong sexual appeal

vomit: throw up; eject from stomach through mouth; disgorge

vow: solemn promise made to God; promise of fidelity; pledge of love or affection

vulnerable: susceptible to wounds; capable of being wounded or hurt

wade: paddle; walk through relatively shallow water

wag: move one way and the other with quick turns; shake to and fro; move in vibrating; cause to vibrate

wage: hazard on the event of a contest; stake; engage in, as a contest; adventure, or lay out, for hire or reward; hire; employ

wail: grieve or protest loudly and bitterly; express sorrow by a mournful vocal sound; moan; cry

walkout: strike; act of leaving or quitting a meeting, company, or organization, especially as a sign of protest

wan: having a pale or sickly color; unnaturally pale, as from physical or emotional distress

wander: move about without a definite destination or purpose; range about; stroll; go away; depart

wane: decrease in size or strength; draw gradually to an end

ward: guard; defender; protector; state under guard; division of a county; division of a hospital

ware: articles of merchandise; style or class of manufactures; especially, in the plural, goods; commodities; merchandise

warp: rope used in hauling or moving a vessel, usually with one end attached to an anchor, a post, or other fixed object; towing line; state of being twisted or bent out of shape

wary: very cautious; on guard; watchful

waxy: paleness; smooth and lustrous; consisting of, abounding in, or covered with wax

weary: tired; exhausted; physically or mentally fatigued

wholesome: conducive to sound health or well-being; beneficial

wicked: evil in principle or practice; contrary to moral or divine law; addicted to vice or sin

widespread: spread or scattered over a considerable extent; occurring or accepted widely

wile: trick or stratagem practiced for deception;

wily: cunning; full of tricks; skill in deception

winsome: agreeable; gracious; charming, often in childlike or naive way

withdraw: remove from; pull back; break from gathering; retreat; depart

wither: shrivel; decay; lose freshness, vigor, or vitality; loss of moisture

withhold: refuse to give; refrain from giving, granting, or permitting; deduct from employee's salary

withstand: stand up against; successfully resist; oppose with force or resolution

woe: deep, inconsolable grief; affliction; suffering; deep distress or misery, as from grief

wrinkle: a minor difficulty; a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface

yearn: pain; grieve; vex; be pained or distressed; feel deep pity, sympathy, or tenderness

yield: give in; surrender; give forth a natural product; be productive

zealous: enthusiastic; filled with or motivated by zeal

zenith: point directly overhead in sky; summit

zone: region; portion of the surface of a sphere;

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