Sunday, 27 October 2013

Father's Day: Marco Rubio to Amanda and Daniella

The most important job that I have isn’t U.S. senator. It’s father. And I’m blessed to have four children, my two oldest of which are girls—Amanda, who just turned 13, and Daniella, who turns 11 this month. And it’s just been amazing to watch them both grow up.
My hope for my daughters is that they will grow up to be strong, confident women who understand that they can be whatever that want to be in life. What I’ve tried to do in my experiences is expose them to everything that I’m doing, because if that’s something they’d like to do one day, that’s great.
But whatever choice they make in life, that’s something that I’ll be there to support them on. And what’s been most amazing is to watch them grow into that role, every year that goes by. As their personalities come out, as they grow and mature, as they discover new things, as their dreams expand, the most important thing fathers can do is encourage their daughters to dream and to reach for the stars. They can be anything they want to be. There’s nothing holding them back. They can go as far as their talent and their work will take them. And God willing, I’ll be there with them each step of the way.
I thank God every day that I’m the father of four children, and I’m especially thankful to be the father of two wonderful girls that one day will grow up to be two strong, confident and wonderful women—who I hope will do much to contribute to their families, to our society, to our country, and to the world.

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