Dear Emma and Georgina,
It’s almost Father’s Day and I’m writing to thank you for the gifts you’ve given me.
Not the ones you’ve wrapped over the years—though I always
appreciated them, too. (Especially the fingerpaintings.) The real gift
has been watching you both grow up and come into your own as adults.
That’s the ultimate gift for any father.
I sometimes think of how I wish your grandfather could have seen me
graduate from college and make my way in the world. I know how proud he
would have been and that means a lot to me. But I also think how lucky
I’ve been to be able to see you both make your way in the world,
pursuing your own paths with passion, setting goals and driving
yourselves to achieve them—on your own terms, in your own ways.
Competitiveness and stubbornness run in the genes, I guess.
Another gift you’ve given me is the pleasure of seeing you both get
involved in philanthropic activities. I can’t think of a more noble or
rewarding pursuit. Giving back is something I learned from my
parents—so I guess that, too, runs in the genes.
Your mother deserves all the credit for what smart and strong women
you are. But I’m too impressed with you not to take some of the credit,
I would have told you this in person, but figured you’d roll your
eyes. (Again—it’s the genes.) But I just wanted to let you know how
proud I am to be your father.
Love, Daddy
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