Saturday 18 May 2013

Have Collocation

have verb
Have is used with these nouns as the subject: hotel , library , mixture , patient , room , sentence , tape , word
Have is used with these nouns as the object:
 A level , ability , abortion , abscess , absence , abundance , accent , access , accident , accommodation , account , ache , acne , acumen , acupuncture , addiction , admiration , admirer , advantage , adventure , adviser , affair , affection , affinity , agenda , agent , agility , agreement , AIDS , ailment , aim , air , alibi , allergy , alliance , allowance , ally , alternative , ambition , amenity , ammunition , anaesthetic , ancestor , ancestry , animal , animosity , answer , antagonism , antipathy , appeal , appearance , appendicitis , appetite , appointment , appreciation , approach , approval , aptitude , area , argument , army , aroma , arrangement , array , arrogance , arthritis , aspect , aspiration , assembly , asset , assignment , assistant , association , assurance , asthma , atmosphere , attachment , attack , attention , attitude , attraction , attribute , audience , audition , aura , authority , authorization , autograph , autonomy , aversion , avocado , awareness , baby , backdrop , background , backing , backlog , balance , ball , banana , bang , base , bath , beard , bearing , beer , belief , benefit , bent , berry , berth , bet , bias , bill , binge , birthday , birthmark , biscuit , bite , bleeding , blemish , blessing , blitz , block , bloom , blossom , blowout , blueprint , blues , bodyguard , bond , bonfire , border , bother , bottle , boundary , bout , bow , boy , boyfriend , brace , brandy , break , breakdown , breather , breeding , bruise , budget , bug , bump , bun , business , buyer , cable , cake , call , calorie , campus , cancellation , cancer , capability , capacity , capital , car , career , carrot , case , cast , cat , cataract , catastrophe , cause , celebration , cereal , chair , champagne , chance , character , characteristic , charge , charm , chat , check , check-up , checklist , cheek , chicken , child , childhood , chip , choice , cholera , cholesterol , chop , Christmas , chuckle , cider , circle , circulation , circumference , citizenship , claim , clarity , class , clause , clearance , client , clientele , climate , clout , clue , coating , cocktail , coconut , code , coffee , coherence , coke , cold , colic , collar , collection , collision , colour , colouring , column , comfort , command , comment , commentary , commitment , common ground , common sense , communication , companionship , company , compassion , competence , competition , complaint , complex , complexion , complication , comprehension , compulsion , concept , conception , concert , concussion , condition , confidence , confirmation , confrontation , connection , connotation , conscience , consent , consequence , consideration , consistency , consolation , constipation , constitution , consultation , contact , contempt , contest , contract , control , convention , conversation , conviction , convulsion , coordination , copy , copyright , corn , correlation , correspondence , cost , cottage , cough , counselling , count , counterpart , courage , courtesy , cover , coverage , crèche , crackdown , cramp , crash , craving , crease , creativity , credentials , credibility , credit , crisis , crop , crush , cry , crystal ball , cuddle , cunning , cup , cure , curfew , curiosity , curl , currency , custody , customer , cut , damp , dance , data , date , daughter , deadline , deal , dealings , debate , debt , decency , decrease , dedication , defect , deficiency , deficit , deformity , degree , delivery , delusion , dent , dependence , deposit , depression , depth , descent , design , desire , dessert , detachment , detail , detention , determination , device , dexterity , dialogue , diameter , diarrhoea , diet , difference , difficulty , dig , digestion , dignity , dilemma , dimension , diphtheria , diploma , diplomacy , dirt , disability , disadvantage , disagreement , disappointment , discharge , discipline , discomfort , discretion , discussion , disdain , disease , dislike , disorder , display , disposition , disrespect , distaste , distinction , distribution , distrust , disturbance , divorce , doctorate , dog , dominance , doubt , dowry , doze , drawl , dread , dream , drink , drive , driving licence , drought , duty , ear , earnings , Easter , echo , edge , education , effect , ego , election , electricity , elegance , element , email , emergency , empathy , emphasis , employee , employer , encounter , encouragement , ending , endorsement , endurance , enemy , energy , engagement , enjoyment , enquiry , enthusiasm , entrance , entry , envy , equality , equivalent , erection , escape , escort , estate , esteem , evidence , exam , examination , excuse , exhibit , exhibition , existence , expectation , expenditure , experience , expertise , explanation , exposure , expression , extra , eyesight , face , facet , facility , fact , faculty , failing , failure , fair , faith , fall , familiarity , family , fantasy , farm , fascination , fat , fault , favour , fear , feast , feature , feedback , feeling , festival , feud , fever , fight , figure , file , filling , final , finale , finance , finish , fireplace , fish , fit , fix , flair , flash , flashback , flat , flavour , flaw , flea , flexibility , flight , fling , flow , flower , flu , focus , follower , following , fondness , food , foothold , footing , footwork , foreboding , foresight , forethought , forgiveness , formula , fortune , forum , fragrance , frame , framework , franchise , freckle , freedom , friend , fright , fruit , fun , function , fund , funeral , future , gala , game , gangrene , gash , gathering , gene , genius , gift , gin , girlfriend , glamour , glance , glass , gleam , glimpse , glint , glow , goal , god , goodwill , gossip , grace , grade , gradient , grape , grasp , gratitude , graze , grenade , grievance , grin , grip , grit , ground , grounding , growth , grudge , guarantee , guess , guest , gun , gut , habit , haemorrhage , hair , haircut , hallucination , ham , hand , handicap , handle , handshake , handwriting , harbour , hassle , hatred , headache , headline , headquarters , health , hearing , heart , heart attack , heat , heating , height , heir , help , helping , hepatitis , heritage , hernia , hiccup , history , HIV , hobby , hold , holiday , homework , honesty , honeymoon , honour , hope , horror , hotline , house , hunch , hunger , hypnosis , hypothesis , ice cream , idea , ideal , identification , ideology , illness , illusion , image , imagination , immunity , impact , impertinence , implication , importance , impression , impulse , inability , incentive , incidence , inclination , income , inconvenience , independence , index , indication , indigestion , individuality , inevitability , infection , influence , influenza , influx , information , ingenuity , ingredient , inhabitant , inheritance , initial , initiative , injection , injury , input , inscription , insight , instinct , instruction , insurance , intake , integrity , intellect , intelligence , intention , intercourse , interest , interview , intuition , invitation , jab , jelly , job , joke , journey , jurisdiction , key , kid , kip , knack , knife , knock , know-how , knowledge , label , land , lapse , laugh , lead , leaf , leak , lease , leave , lecture , leisure , length , leprosy , lesson , letter , leukaemia , leverage , liability , liaison , liberty , library , licence , life , lifeline , lifestyle , light , lighting , liking , limit , limitation , limp , line , link , loathing , longing , look , lottery , love , lover , loyalty , luck , lump , lunch , luncheon , lust , luxury , majority , malaria , mandate , mane , mania , manner , mannerism , manpower , mansion , margin , mark , marriage , massage , master , mastery , match , mate , maturity , meaning , means , measles , medical , meeting , melody , memory , meningitis , menu , mercy , merit , migraine , milk , minute , miscarriage , misconception , misfortune , misgivings , mishap , mission , mistress , mix , mobility , momentum , monarchy , money , monopoly , moral , moratorium , mortar , mortgage , motif , motivation , motive , motto , moustache , mouthful , mystery , name , nap , nationality , nature , nausea , navy , necessity , need , nerve , neurosis , news , niche , nickname , night , nightmare , notice , notification , notion , notoriety , objection , objective , obligation , obsession , occasion , offer , officer , operation , opinion , opportunity , option , orange , order , orgasm , orgy , origin , originality , outage , outcome , outlet , outlook , overdraft , overhaul , overtone , overview , owner , pact , pain , palate , pallor , parade , parallel , parasite , part , partner , partnership , party , pass , passage , passion , passport , patch , patent , patience , pattern , pea , peculiarity , pee , peek , peep , penalty , perception , period , permission , permit , perseverance , personality , perspective , pet , phobia , physical , physiotherapy , pick , picnic , pimple , pint , pitfall , pity , place , plan , pleasure , pneumonia , point , point of view , poisoning , policy , polio , pond , position , possession , post-mortem , posture , potato , potency , potential , power , practice , praise , prayer , precedence , precedent , preconception , preference , pregnancy , prejudice , premonition , prerogative , presence , prestige , preview , pride , priority , privilege , probability , problem , profile , programme , proof , property , prospect , protection , prototype , publisher , puff , pulse , puncture , purpose , qualification , quality , quarrel , query , question , quirk , race , raffle , rainfall , rally , range , rank , rapport , rash , rating , ratio , ration , rationing , reach , reaction , read , reason , reassurance , receipt , reception , recipe , recompense , record , recourse , recurrence , reduction , reference , reflection , regard , regret , rehearsal , reinforcement , relation , relationship , relative , relevance , religion , reluctance , remedy , reminder , remorse , rendezvous , repercussion , repertoire , replacement , reply , report , representation , reputation , request , requirement , resemblance , reservation , reserve , resilience , resistance , resolution , resource , respect , respite , response , responsibility , rest , restraint , result , rethink , reunion , revenge , reverence , reverse , review , reward , rheumatism , rhythm , ribbon , ride , right , riot , rival , role , romance , room , root , rota , round , routine , row , rule , run , sale , salmon , sandwich , satisfaction , sausage , saving , scale , scan , scare , scent , scepticism , schedule , scheme , schizophrenia , schooling , scope , score , scrap , scratch , scruples , seat , seating , second , secret , security , self-confidence , self-control , self-respect , semblance , seniority , sensation , sense , sensitivity , servant , session , setback , sex , shake-up , shampoo , shape , share , shave , shelf , shell , sherry , shield , shock , shoot , shop , shortage , shortcoming , shot , shotgun , show , showdown , shower , showing , shrapnel , shutter , shyness , side , side effect , sideline , siesta , sight , sighting , sign , significance , similarity , simplicity , sip , skiing , skill , slant , slave , sleep , slope , smallpox , smash , smell , smile , smirk , snack , sniff , snow , snowfall , son , sophistication , sore , soul , sovereignty , spark , sparkle , specification , spell , spine , spirit , splendour , splinter , squabble , squint , stab , staff , stake , stall , stamina , stammer , stand , standard , standing , starter , statistics , stature , status , steak , steering , sting , stint , stipulation , stitch , stock , stop , stopover , store , storey , strain , strategy , streak , strength , stress , stretch , stroke , structure , struggle , stutter , style , subsidiary , substance , subtitle , subtlety , success , successor , suggestion , summit , suntan , superiority , superstition , supervision , supplement , supply , support , supporter , supremacy , surcharge , surge , surgery , surname , surplus , surprise , suspect , suspension , suspicion , swig , swim , syllable , symbol , symmetry , sympathy , symptom , syndrome , system , tact , talent , talk , tan , tantrum , task , taste , tattoo , tea , teacher , team , tear , technique , technology , telephone , temper , temperament , temperature , temptation , tenant , tendency , tenderness , tenure , termination , terror , test , texture , theme , theory , therapy , think , thirst , thought , thread , threshold , thrill , ticket , tie , time , timetable , timing , tinge , tint , tip , title , tolerance , tomato , tone , tooth , torch , touch , track record , tradition , training , trait , transfusion , transplant , treatment , trial , trip , trouble , trust , try , tuition , turn , turnout , turnover , tussle , tutorial , twang , twin , twinge , twist , twitch , understanding , undertone , upbringing , update , upset , urge , use , usefulness , utility , vacancy , vacation , vaccination , vaccine , validity , value , vegetables , veto , vice , view , viewpoint , villa , virtue , vision , visit , visitor , vocabulary , vocation , vote , wait , walk , wardrobe , warning , warranty , wash , way , weakness , wealth , weapon , weather , website , wedding , wee , weekend , whiff , whisky , width , will , willpower , win , windfall , wine , wish , wit , word , work , worker , workforce , workload , workout , world , worry , worth , wrangle , wrinkle , writing , X-ray , yardstick , yearning , youth , zeal , zest

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